KG's variable pitch/speed player

File size: less than 700kB
Thanks to soundtouchjs module ( 日本語

0. Devices tested

The program is written in JavaScript and computation is on your web browser. It should work offline.

1. Features

  1. Same program (just 700kB) works on various devices.
  2. No installation required. Runs offline.
  3. Slow down playback for drummer, guitarist, pianist, vocalist
  4. Fine pitch adjustment for vocalist, guitarist, pianist
  5. Modified sound on pitch/speed can be downloaded as wav file (No network connection required since downloading is local)

2. Brief How To

Prepare audio file (wav, mp3, and other formats depends on the device) on local disk or cloud storage. For iOS(iPhone) devices, iCloud Drive is easy to access. For Android devices, Google Drive is easy to access.

(FYI) Sample audio files (copyright free)

Download them and save in local disk or cloud storage. Then open one of them in this program.

Buttons and slider controls


My iPhone/iPod Touch (iOS12) requires special operation to store the exported data. Blob window pops up and it is possible to save the data in iCloud Drive. You want to rename the file with extension".wav", because the filename will not be set automatically. The problem of the specification might be solved already on iOS 13. Note iOS 13 does not support older devices such as my iPod Touch and iPhone6.

I know it is stupid to wait for playback time for export. I am trying to find a way to use soundtouchjs module with OfflineAudioContext.

Source code (JavaScript and sound files)

Contact: goto at